Cleo loves his life as a youth pastor in suburban Denver, but his genuine support for a teenage girl has put his job in jeopardy. When the church's Elder Board becomes aware of the situation, he's asked to take two weeks off to consider his actions and the impact on his role in ministry.
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Madison TAKES
“The Road to Edmond” is a comedy-drama that follows Cleo, a youth pastor on a road trip of self-discovery after being suspended from his church for questioning traditional views. The film explores themes of faith, doubt, and the search for truth.
Director: David Trotter
Writers: Tripp Fuller • David Trotter
Stars: Nathanael Welch • George Macary • Louis C. Baker
2h 5m
Not Rated
Comedy • Drama
Belief, Comedy, Doubt, Faith, Road Trip
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Madison Takes
This film aligns with the Madison Media Fund’s commitment to exploring complex questions of faith and individual belief. It presents a lighthearted yet thoughtful examination of the tension between traditional values and personal conviction.
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