When Mary Colbert hears Mark's message she feels called to start a national prayer movement across the nation for the leadership of America and a return to the godly principles they were founded upon.
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Madison TAKES
“The Trump Prophecy” tells the story of a firefighter who believes he received a prophetic message that Donald Trump would become President. The film explores the intersection of faith, prophecy, and political change in modern America.
Director: Stephan Schultze
Writers: Mary Colbert • Rick Eldridge • Jimmy Hager
Stars: Chris Nelson • Paulette Todd • Karen Boles
Not Rated
Drama • Faith-Based
Faith, Politics, Prophecy, Religion, Trump
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Madison Takes
This film reflects the Madison Media Fund’s focus on faith and political freedom, encouraging viewers to consider the role of belief and conviction in shaping the political landscape. It highlights the impact of personal faith on societal movements.
Madison Motion
Turn to Faith
Producer Circle Film Library
Film collections curated by free speech advocate thought leaders.